Your Weakness if Your Strength!

I was talking to a friend a while back and the subject of weakness came up. My friend was frustrated with an aspect of his personality that he felt was a weakness. At one point in the discussion my friend said “I hate that weakness and just want it to go away” at which point I chuckled. It wasn’t that I didn’t sympathize with my friend, but what my friend saw as one of his weaknesses I saw as one his biggest strengths. Many times the things that we consider our own weakness are really an integral part of the whole fabric of who we are. Do you look at your weaknesses as strengths? Here are some things to consider:

Weakness 31) Embrace yourself – The first thing to consider when seeing your weakness as strength is to embrace yourself. You are a whole person with things that are great and things that need work. You will never be perfect, so stop trying. Embracing who you are…ALL of who you are…is a great first step to embracing that your weaknesses are just as important as your strengths.


weakness 12) Be Honest – We all have things we need to work on. If you don’t believe me ask my wife who would be happy to give you a list of the things I could improve on. By being honest with yourself about who you are you can then make a plan to change the things that you feel need to be changed.



weakness 23) Make a list – Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Look at that list closely and ponder the fact that each aspect of your strengths and weaknesses has an upside and a downside. For instance one of your strengths may be you’re a hard worker. That is an upside. The downside may be that working so hard takes away time from your family. You may list being too emotional as a weakness. That may be true but the upside may be that you have the wonderful gift of empathy when someone is hurting. Take some time and think about the upside and downside of your strengths and weaknesses.

For my friend the weakness that he named made him think that people saw him as weak and ineffectual. The reality is that in his particular career he is able to listen to people from a special place and help them. And that is because he has a unique perspective about people’s pain. We all have things in our personality that we think are weaknesses. Today I want to challenge you to think about your weakness as a strength. You are a uniquely created person. Embrace who you are. ALL of you.

StephenIf you need help, a Communication coach can help you identify your strengths and create a plan to move forward. Whether you are local or on the other side of the world I am here to help. If you need a life coach, please do not hesitate to contact me at Have a great day and don’t forget: Life is a journey, not a destination!

It’s Time for the 3 R’s

RESET – The weekend is a great way to reset your life. Not only is it the  beginning of a new week but it can also be the beginning of making positive changes in your life. Things been tough at work? Not happy with some of your relationship? Hit the reset button and face the new week with a fresh positive attitude. Today, you can change the way you deal with every aspect in your life and put it back on a positive track. You are the only one who has full control of your life. Use that power toRESET your life and move forward today by making positive interior changes.


Symbol of scales is made of stones on the cliff
Symbol of scales is made of stones on the cliff

REALIGN – Have you felt like your life has been out of balance? Are you burning the candle from both ends? Have you been eating too much of the wrong foods? If you have ever driven a car whose tires are out of alignment you know that eventually your tires will wear down and go flat. Today is a great day to realign your life and start living a more balanced existence. Take a few moments and think about your life and create a plan to realign your life to lower stress and bring some balance back. Life is about balance. Take some time to REALIGN yourself.
banner-investment-lifeREINVEST – Have you been feeling stuck? Do you feel you are not fully engaged in your life? Feeling pretty low about yourself? You are your most important asset and it may be time to reinvest in yourself. When we think about investing we tend to think about financial things, but in reality the most important investment you can make is in yourself. For some of us that may be going back to school, for others it may be learning something fun and for others it may be taking to the time to do something you love. Some of us just to reengage in our current situation. Some of us need to celebrate the great things in our lives instead of focusing on the tough stuff.  If you don’t REINVEST in yourself who will?

As you begin this weekend I want you to take a few minutes to think about the 3 “R’s”: Reset, Realign, Reinvest. You have the power to make the positive changes that will help you become the best you possible. And honestly, the world needs the best you. So take the 3 “R’s” and run with them. Today is a whole new day. I look forward to hearing about your “R’s”.
StephenDon’t forget I am here to journey with you. I am just an email, phone call or Skype away. A life coach may be one of the best investments you can make in yourself. You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram or you can email me at

Have a great day and don’t forget: Life is a journey, not a destination!


Stop1Mark Twain famously said “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”  I agree! Many times I tell my clients that to get unstuck or to move forward they just have to start. So today it may seem strange when I tell you that sometimes one of the first things you need to do is stop! So here are three reasons you need to stop today:

stop 51. Stop procrastinating: I am a great list maker. My friends think I keep Post-it company in business. Lists are great as long as you do something with them. Procrastination is a hard thing to stop doing. Here are a couple of things to think about:
a. Recognize that you’re procrastinating.
b. Figure out why you’re procrastinating. What is the real reason you’re not doing what needs to be done?
c. Discover ways to get past procrastinating. Reward yourself for getting the job done or ask someone to hold you accountable.
One of things I ask my clients when we discuss why they are procrastinating is: What is gained by doing the task today instead of tomorrow. So stop procrastinating and get started.

stop 62. Stop and Make a Plan: I am always excited when people make a decision about changing their lives and want to charge right into. Sometimes the best way to channel that enthusiasm is not by charging into it but by creating a plan on where you want to get to and how you want to get there. A plan is a road map to your journey. Before you take the first step stop and make a plan. It will make the journey easier.

3. Stop and Communicate: I think one of the best things you can do is stop and communicate your plan with a trusted friend and family member.   This will do two things: by saying it out loud it will make it real for you, also it will hold you accountable to your plan.

stop 74. Stop and Check Your Speed: I am very prone to starting a project and going at it at warp speed. That has served me well when it has worked, but it has been a mess when it hasn’t. Sometimes we need to stop what we are doing and check to see if we are moving ahead too quickly, too slowly or not at all. I find that things have a natural way of unfolding in life and by rushing ahead or lagging behind we miss out on great opportunities. So as you move forward in your life stop and check your speed.

Sometimes stopping and taking stock of your life is just as important as moving ahead quickly. Think of your life as a highway and along your journey there are Rest Stops for you to pull off the road and figure out where you are, how fast you are going and create a plan. Today, take a moment and Stop.

If you need help, a life coach can help you create a plan to let go and move forward. Whether you are local or on the other side of the world I am here to help. If you need a life coach, please do not hesitate to contact me at Have a great day and don’t forget: Life is a journey, not a destination!

28 total views, 28 views today

STOP! was originally published on Stephen Halpin – Communication Coach

Everything Changes in Time

Everything changes in time…

by WELL Inc
Oh what a difference a little time can make!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve had numerous changes take place in my life. From breakups to new puppies, from having a personal training business to developing an online weight loss center, from family members dying to new family members being born, time has provided me with many ups and downs. I’m sure you can relate to feeling like you’re on a never-ending roller coaster too. Through all of these changes though, I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that it has never once been boring. Furthermore, I know there a lessons that I have learned with every single step.

I love life, and the lessons that life has been gracious enough to teach me. One year ago I went through some personal changes, as I had many times before. But in the midst of the chaos, I forced myself to take a beat and examine the choices I’d made that put me in this particular situation. After a short time of reflection, I created a short list of lessons that I had learned from the experience. I’d like to share these with you now, in the hopes that they might speak to you and somehow help you move through any personal struggles that life has thrown your way. It’s nothing terribly profound, but it helped me to move forward and get to where I am now, which is much stronger and happier than before.

Here they are:

1) Nothing lasts forever… Be grateful for the experiences as they happen.

2) You are important too… Don’t lose sight of your own needs to meet those of someone else.

3) Unconditional love does exist… In the form of friends, family, and pets!

4) Things don’t always work out the way we’d like them to… Dust yourself off and keep moving forward.

5) Actions speak louder than words… Be a man of action and follow through with promises you make.

6) Distractions can be good… But only for a short while.

7) Allow yourself to be vulnerable with those you trust… Listen to their advice with an open heart and clear mind.

8) Be brave and trust in yourself… Even when it feels like your world is crashing down on you.

9) Own your mistakes… Learn from them and move on.

I do hope these little life lessons will help you with occasional chaos that life can bring. If you’d like to reach out to me, please feel free to do so HERE.


29 total views, 8 views today

Everything Changes in Time was originally published on Stephen Halpin – Communication Coach