It’s Tuesday

It’s Tuesday
I was surprised to read that a recent survey revealed that for working professionals Tuesday is the worst day of the week. It seems after having a weekend off and then plunging back into work on Monday, Tuesday just seems to drag on forever and the prospect of the upcoming weekend is too far off in the distance to make anyone happy. So here are a couple of quick tips to help you survive Tuesdays.

1) Plan a lunch date – The best way to get through a Tuesday is to call up a friend and grab lunch. A lunch date will help the morning go faster as you look forward to the meeting and it will set the tone for the rest of the day.
2) Go for a walk – Sometimes the best thing you can do to beat the blahs is head outside and take a quick walk around the area. It doesn’t have to be a long walk but a short walk can help you clear your mind and it gets the blood flowing through your body.

3) Turn on your iPod – If your office or workplace allows you to tune out this is a great way to pass the time. Music works wonders but I am also a fan of books which also help you pass the time quickly.
4) Tackle a project that you have been putting off – Maybe you have been waiting to clean out your desk or some files for months. Tuesdays are a great project day. Projects tend to require more brain power which will distract you from watching the clock. Tuesday is a great day to do that project you have been putting off.
5) Meet friends after work – Most restaurants are slow on Tuesday and offer great specials to get you in the door. Make some plans to meet your partner or a friend for dinner after work. It will make the day zoom by and you can get a great meal at a reasonable price.

Hopefully these quick tips will help you have a productive Tuesday. Don’t forget it is usually a matter of getting your mind in the right space. Take a few minutes to plan out a productive Tuesday that will help you stay on track for the rest of the week. Have a great day and don’t forget: Life is journey, not a destination!

Life Is a Journey